The European Union financed a support to Indonesia’s Climate Change Response (SICCR-TAC, MEUR 6.5; 2016 to 2019). The EU Technical Assistance aimed to contribute in an effective and coherent way to the implementation of the national Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) strategy by designing and mainstreaming provincial REDD+ strategies into existing development …
Technical assistance for the transversal support to the inception of the Food and Nutrition Security Programme (SAN) in Chad
The Food and Nutrition Security Programme (SAN), with a financial allocation from the European Commission of € 156 million over 5 years, supports the Chadian government’s efforts to favor a multidimensional and multisectoral approach to medium and long-term development. This technical assistance mission supported the Ministry of the Economy and Development Planning in the initial …
Final evaluation of the Food Security and Nutrition Programme (PROSANUT)
The Programme for Food Security and Nutrition (PROSANUT) was a 4-year action funded from the European Commission’s budget amounting to 8 MEUR. A first component supported the Ministry of Agriculture to strengthen the agricultural sector information systems throughout the country designed to monitor the agricultural campaign and the market trends. The second component aimed to …
Development of decision-making tools and methods allowing to quantify and rationalise options for decision-makers and political stakeholders on protected areas targeted by the 11th EDF in the Democratic Republic of Congo
The overall objective of this « action-research » was to support decision-making by allowing to quantify and rationalise options for decision-makers and political stakeholders around protected areas in DRC in land use planning, support to nature conservation and sustainable rural development in the current context of human pressure, oil exploitation and mining pressure. Prospect C&S’ …
Support to the Climate Change Response Strategy Project in Lesotho
The global objective of this GCCA project was to support the country in the implementation of a national response to climate change and contribute to a sustainable and growing economy while maintaining low carbon emissions and reversing environmental degradation. The specific objectives of this technical assistance were to strengthen capacities and help the Government of …
Rural Development in Malawi – Awarded contract
End of Term Evaluation of the Accompanying Measures for Sugar Protocol 2011 – 2013 Malawi sits at 170/188 countries on the 2017 UNDP Human Development Index with 50.7% of its population living below the poverty line. Agriculture, the mainstay of the economy, employs 80% of the population, with tobacco, sugar and tea earning 87% of …
Technical Assistance, Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) Climate Support Facility under the 10th EDF Intra-ACP Financial Framework
The GCCA Intra-ACP Programme was funded under the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) Financial Framework and covered all 79 member countries of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States. Being a part of the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA), the programme supported its member countries, in their adaptation and mitigation responses. The specific …
Tchad – Atlas de la vulnérabilité dans la Région du Guéra
Entre 2014 et 2016, Prospect C&S a appuyé Oxfam Intermon au Tchad afin de consolider le système d’information sur la sécurité alimentaire (SISA) dans la Région du Guera et d’aider à son appropriation par les services techniques déconcentrés (ONDR). Lors d’une mission réalisée en juillet 2016, les données structurelles des 22 cantons de la région …
Formulation of the Sustainable Development Programme of the Agricultural Sector in Benin, component Capacity building in agricultural training and advisory services
In a context of reform of the agricultural sector and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAEP), the essence of the mission was to fix the conditions and modalities to develop, implement and make sustainable a country-wide system of agricultural training and advisory services (extension) aiming at improving the performance of family farms on …
News – Rural development and food security
Christophe De Jaegher, Rural development and food security Programme Manager at Prospect C&S, completed the evaluation of a highly specialised research programme in Ecuador : “Reinforcement of the fungal expertise in Ecuador via the development of biotechnological-oriented fungal resource centres through the studies of fungal plants interactions in selected ecosystems”. This 5-years research project is funded by the …