
Strengthening and replication of ecotourism achievements in the protected areas of Sub-Saharan Africa

The European Union has been supporting the conservation of biodiversity in protected areas of Sub-Saharan Africa for several decades. Among the multiple actions supported, several have focused on the development of tourism as the main ecosystem service provided by these protected areas. In view of the continuing debates on the environmental, social and economic costs …

Impact assessment of the 2018 operations against food insecurity in Niger, implemented by the National Food Crisis Prevention and Mitigation Mechanism

The 2018 Support Plan (SP), developed by the Government of Niger (DNPGCA) and its partners, aimed at supporting the population groups in food and nutritional insecurity (around 3.8 million people). This by combining prevention, emergency and rehabilitation actions. Among the 14 operations planned as part of the Support Plan, 5 were covered by this evaluation: …

Support to the Implementation of the Agriculture Sector Wide Approach and Green Belt Initiative – Component 2: Irrigation – Malawi

The National Authorising Officer (NAO) in Malawi concluded five grant contracts (funded by the European Union) to improve farmers’ access to irrigated agriculture through the development of six medium scale irrigation schemes. The purpose of this assignment was to carry out a technical audit of 5 of these medium scale irrigation schemes. The specific objective …

Framework contract for the provision of support for the monitoring of LIFE projects (action grants and operating grants) communication about the LIFE programme and other related activities

LIFE (L’Instrument Financier pour l’Environnement) is the main European Commission funding mechanism for improving the state of the environment in the European Union. It was created in 1992. The LIFE budget is €3.4 billion for the 2014-2020 programme. The present contract deals with the monitoring of all LIFE brands projects (action grants): Environment and Resource …

Framework contract for the implementation of EU external aid 2018 (FWC SIEA 2018) : Lot 1 – Sustainable management of natural resources and resilience

The objective of the Framework Contract is to provide, via individual assignments, expertise which can be mobilised by the EU services on short notice. The expertise may be required at any stage of the project cycle (except financial audits) and may cover any sector(s) within a lot. The expertise may also cover any geographic area …

EU-China Young farmers programme

The objective of this 18-month service contract was to promote effective dissemination of best agricultural and environmental practices and capacity building in modern farming techniques among young farmers and young professionals in the agro-food sector both in China and in Europe. The action aimed at producing recommendations to practitioners and policy makers in the agricultural …

2016 Carbon balance and development of low carbon strategies towards 2020-2030-2050 of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Embassies

Prospect C&S performed the carbon balance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its embassies for the year 2016. Based on the carbon footprint, a mid-term low carbon strategy (horizon 2020-2030) and a long-term decarbonisation strategy (horizon 2050) were developed. The assignment also focused on developing an energy monitoring plan as well as specific targets …

Technical assistance to the ASSOBACAM (Banana Association of Cameroon) and its members who benefit from the Banana Accompanying Measures Programme – Phase II

The banana production in Cameroon is currently dominated by three groups of producers, two of them are private and one is a private-public group. The interests of the banana value chain in front of the Cameroonian and European authorities are defended by the Banana Association of Cameroon (“ASSOBACAM” in French). The specific objective of this …

Final Evaluation of the EU Support to Indonesia’s Climate Change Response – Technical Cooperation Component

The European Union financed a support to Indonesia’s Climate Change Response (SICCR-TAC, MEUR 6.5; 2016 to 2019). The EU Technical Assistance aimed to contribute in an effective and coherent way to the implementation of the national Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) strategy by designing and mainstreaming provincial REDD+ strategies into existing development …

Technical assistance for the transversal support to the inception of the Food and Nutrition Security Programme (SAN) in Chad

The Food and Nutrition Security Programme (SAN), with a financial allocation from the European Commission of € 156 million over 5 years, supports the Chadian government’s efforts to favor a multidimensional and multisectoral approach to medium and long-term development. This technical assistance mission supported the Ministry of the Economy and Development Planning in the initial …