LIFE (L’Instrument Financier pour l’Environnement) is the main European Commission funding mechanism for improving the state of the environment in the European Union. It was created in 1992. The LIFE budget is €3.4 billion for the 2014-2020 programme.

The present contract deals with the monitoring of all LIFE brands projects (action grants): Environment and Resource Efficiency, Nature & Biodiversity, Climate Action, Governance & Information. We are also monitoring the LIFE NGO operating grants and in charge with the communication about the LIFE Programme.

Services provided includes:

  • Monitoring (including field checking) and ex-post monitoring;
  • Evaluation of output including Natura 2000 management plans and other nature related management plans;
  • Communication and Project/Programme information dissemination;
  • Organisation of events (conferences, thematic workshops);
  • Specific thematic studies (e.g. habitat restoration costs, input from LIFE projects to the implementation and further fine-tuning of EU Directives, …).

In the framework of this contract, Prospect C&S is partner in a consortium set-up in a European Economic Interest Grouping (NEEMO EEIG). NEEMO EEIG is composed of 9 companies spread across Europe ( Prospect C&S deals respectively with the monitoring of projects in BeNeLux, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece, and provides also some LIFE NGO operating grants auditors and monitors. The coordination team that is based in the premises of our company is almost exclusively composed of Prospect C&S staff.

Client: European Commission (DG ENV & EASME)
Location: Europe (EU MS 28)
Period: 01/2019-12/2022