Reference: GGGI Project ID: PH24 Country: Philippines Budget: USD 33,000 Duration: 5 months Context: In the Philippines, recognised for its dynamic economy, the agriculture sector still underperforms relative to the services and industry sectors, with its GDP contribution dwindling to about 9%, despite employing a significant portion of the workforce. Poverty remains predominantly rural, with …
Climate action Projects
NEW CONTRACT AWARDED in support to the “Mozambique Team Europe Initiative implementation facility””
Reference : SIEA-2018-17230, within the FWC SIEA 2018 LOT 1: Sustainable management of natural resources and resilience (EuropeAid/138778/DH/SER/Multi); in association with COWI Belgium Country: Mozambique Budget: € 563,376 Duration: 35 months Context: Mozambique is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change and weather-related disasters in the world and one of the least prepared …
FWC Won: Ukraine MRV – GHG – ODS
Technical assistance in accounting and phasing out of emissions of Green House Gases (GHG), Ozone Depletion Substances (ODS) and Fluorinated Gases (F-Gases) Reference: SIEA 2018-5836 Overall budget: € 796,000.00 Duration: 18 months Description: Within the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and the Eastern Partnership (EaP), The European Union is supporting Ukraine to approximate its legislation to …
Framework contract for the provision of support for the monitoring of LIFE projects (action grants and operating grants) communication about the LIFE programme and other related activities
LIFE (L’Instrument Financier pour l’Environnement) is the main European Commission funding mechanism for improving the state of the environment in the European Union. It was created in 1992. The LIFE budget is €3.4 billion for the 2014-2020 programme. The present contract deals with the monitoring of all LIFE brands projects (action grants): Environment and Resource …
Framework contract for the implementation of EU external aid 2018 (FWC SIEA 2018) : Lot 1 – Sustainable management of natural resources and resilience
The objective of the Framework Contract is to provide, via individual assignments, expertise which can be mobilised by the EU services on short notice. The expertise may be required at any stage of the project cycle (except financial audits) and may cover any sector(s) within a lot. The expertise may also cover any geographic area …
2016 Carbon balance and development of low carbon strategies towards 2020-2030-2050 of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Embassies
Prospect C&S performed the carbon balance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its embassies for the year 2016. Based on the carbon footprint, a mid-term low carbon strategy (horizon 2020-2030) and a long-term decarbonisation strategy (horizon 2050) were developed. The assignment also focused on developing an energy monitoring plan as well as specific targets …
Final Evaluation of the EU Support to Indonesia’s Climate Change Response – Technical Cooperation Component
The European Union financed a support to Indonesia’s Climate Change Response (SICCR-TAC, MEUR 6.5; 2016 to 2019). The EU Technical Assistance aimed to contribute in an effective and coherent way to the implementation of the national Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) strategy by designing and mainstreaming provincial REDD+ strategies into existing development …
Support to the Climate Change Response Strategy Project in Lesotho
The global objective of this GCCA project was to support the country in the implementation of a national response to climate change and contribute to a sustainable and growing economy while maintaining low carbon emissions and reversing environmental degradation. The specific objectives of this technical assistance were to strengthen capacities and help the Government of …
Technical Assistance, Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) Climate Support Facility under the 10th EDF Intra-ACP Financial Framework
The GCCA Intra-ACP Programme was funded under the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) Financial Framework and covered all 79 member countries of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States. Being a part of the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA), the programme supported its member countries, in their adaptation and mitigation responses. The specific …
Making agricultural investments sustainable and ecologically resilient to climate change in Kenya
Vision 2030 is Kenya’s main planning blueprint to be implemented through a series of 5-year, medium-term rolling plans (MTP), with flagship projects under the current MTP (2013-2017) focusing on promoting pathways to devolution, socio-economic development, equity and national unity. MTP 2 recognizes environmental conservation and management of natural capital as pivotal to Kenya’s agriculture-driven economic …