Technical assistance in accounting and phasing out of emissions of Green House Gases (GHG), Ozone Depletion Substances (ODS) and Fluorinated Gases (F-Gases)
Reference: SIEA 2018-5836
Overall budget: € 796,000.00
Duration: 18 months
Within the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and the Eastern Partnership (EaP), The European Union is supporting Ukraine to approximate its legislation to that of the EU in a broad range of areas, including environment, climate and ozone layer protection.
Ukraine’s National Economic Strategy until 2030, adopted in March 2021, declares climate neutrality by 2060. Its declared main principles include decarbonisation and the synchronisation with the European Green Deal.
Within this context, the EU has dedicated a EUR 10 million Climate Package for Sustainable Economy, the first cooperation programme related to the European Green Deal (EGD) and aimed to assist, at Government’s, local and individual businesses’ levels to “synchronise” with the EGD.
PROSPECT C&S, in consortium with COWI and SUEZ, with whom the company as a longstanding successful collaboration, is implementing the technical assistance in accounting and phasing out of emissions of GHG, ODS and F-Gases.
The specific objectives are as follows:
- Facilitate climate change mitigation policies through enhancing availability, reliability, quality and presentation of the country’s GHG emissions reporting;
- Contribute to the phasing out of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and further advancing climate change mitigation through preparing for gradual phasing down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) in the framework of Kigali Amendment to Montreal Protocol.
The project is organised according to two components:
Component 1 : Facilitating effective reporting on Climate action and GHG emissions, which includes:
- Legal basis and institutional setup for continuous data collection for and preparation of National Communications (NCs) and Biennial Reports (BRs);
- Preparation of the 7th NC of Ukraine ;
- Preparation of the 2nd BR providing updates on actions undertaken to implement the UNFCCC;
- Improve methodologies for assessment of GHG emissions by metallurgical enterprises and from manure management in agriculture ;
- Improve the use of satellite data for meteorological services and climate vulnerability assessments ;
- Analysing monitoring plans and GHG emissions reports from economic entities;
- Analysis of implementation of Regulation (EU) 525/2013 on a mechanism for monitoring and reporting GHG emissions by several EU Member States;
- Legislative amendments to implement Regulation (EU) 525/2013 in Ukraine;
- MRV system implementation;
- Communication for public information on climate change vulnerability, mitigation and adaptation in Ukraine.
Component 2: Phasing out of ODS and phasing down HFC, which includes:
- Proposals for amendments to and implementation support to the Law “On regulation of economic activities with ozone depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases” adopted on 12.12.2019
- Assistance to ratify and further implement by Ukraine of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Ozone Depleting Substances
The technical assistance is provided by a team of four (4) experts, covering domain of expertise of Climate Change and MRV, ODS and F-Gases, Environmental legislation and Communication.