
Rural development – Awarded contract in Rwanda

Evaluation of the Technical Assistance to enhance the Government of Rwanda’s capacities in the Agriculture sector for the sustainable use of land and water resources, value creation and nutrition security. Prospect is participating in the mid-term review of an EDF technical assistance programme in Rwanda. This 5 Million Euro programme is dedicated to support the …

Environment – Awarded contract in IGAD region

Final Evaluation of Biodiversity Management Programme in the IGAD region As a member of the Consortium COWI within the FWC SIEA 2018, PROSPECT C&S is awarded a new assignment in the environment sector:  Final Evaluation of Biodiversity Management Programme in the IGAD region. The Action to be evaluated by PROSPECT staff is a regional programme …

Environment – Awarded Contract in Egypt

  PROSPECT C&S is awarded a new assignment in the environment sector in Egypt. This mission has been entrusted to PROSPECT as a member of the Consortium COWI within the FWC SIEA 2018. Our team provides a support the European Union Delegation and the Government of Egypt in the identification and formulation of EU actions …

EU-CHINA project on Capacity Building for Young Professional Farmers and Agricultural professionals – Final conference in Beijing

In June 2017, the European Delegation in China awarded Prospect C&S an 18-month service contract to support the EU China cooperation in Agriculture and Rural Development. The objective was to promote effective dissemination of best agricultural and environmental practices and capacity building in modern farming techniques among young farmers and professionals in the agro-food sector …

Climate Action – Awarded contract

Prospect C&S has just been awarded the Final Evaluation of EU support to Indonesia’s Climate Change Response (Technical Cooperation Component). The main objective of this evaluation is to provide to the EU, interested stakeholders and the wider public: (1) an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the SICCR-TAC, paying particular attention to its …

Climate Action – Awarded contract

Won contract: Awarded 31 May 2018 Contract value: at least € 10,000,000 (budget of the Framework Contract, to be shared among selected consortia) Client /donor: French Development Agency (AFD) Planned period of implementation: JUN 2018 – MAY 2022 (4 years)     Title of the project: Framework contract to conduct studies and provide technical assistance …

Green Spaces, landscapes and biodiversity – “Action-research” mission in DRC – Protected Areas 11th FED

Prospect C&S just finalised an “action-research” mission in DRC to Development decision-making tools and methods allowing to quantify and rationalize options for decision-makers and political stakeholders regarding the protected areas targeted by the 11th EDF (National Parks of Garamba, Salonga, Upemba, Virunga and the Biosphere Reserve of Yangambi). The experts developed 1 case study for …

Développement rural- Projet remporté au Tchad

Ce 1er décembre PROSPECT C& démarre une nouvelle  mission d’Assistance Technique au Tchad pour le compte de l’Union Européenne : un appui transversal au démarrage des activités du programme 11ème FED  sur la Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle (SAN) doté d’un financement de plus de 156 millions euros. L’assistance technique devra assurer une mise en œuvre …

Rural Development in Malawi – Awarded contract

End of Term Evaluation of the Accompanying Measures for Sugar Protocol 2011 – 2013 Malawi sits at 170/188 countries on the 2017 UNDP Human Development Index with 50.7% of its population living below the poverty line. Agriculture, the mainstay of the economy, employs 80% of the population, with tobacco, sugar and tea earning 87% of …