Natural resource governance

CONTRACT AWARD – Final Project Evaluation for Climate Resilient and Inclusive Green Growth for Poor Rural Communities: Accelerating Implementation in the Agriculture Value Chain (2020-2024)

Reference:  GGGI Project ID: PH24 Country: Philippines Budget: USD 33,000 Duration: 5 months Context: In the Philippines, recognised for its dynamic economy, the agriculture sector still underperforms relative to the services and industry sectors, with its GDP contribution dwindling to about 9%, despite employing a significant portion of the workforce. Poverty remains predominantly rural, with …

Identification and Formulation of Integrated ASEAN Climate Change & Biodiversity Projects

The overall objective of this project was to develop appropriate intervention measures for EU-ASEAN support actions addressing initiatives related to biodiversity conservation for the period 2014-2020, that also contribute to poverty reduction in the long term. A detailed strategy was elaborated in this regard. As part of the strategy two interventions focusing on climate change …

Scientific review of the Regional Decrees for the establishment of the Natura 2000 legislation for Brussels

The ministry of Environment and Nature Conservation, of the Brussels Region prepares the official designation of the three Natura 2000 sites in the Region. This official designation includes the conservation objectives and the management plans. The legal and scientific review of the drafts of Regional Decrees were done by Prospect C&S. This mission illustrates the …