The focus of this proposed assignment is on institutional strengthening of key actors in Côte d’Ivoire and on the preparation of a REDD+ roadmap following a request for technical assistance of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. Two missions were conducted in order to prepare a roadmap to the development of a REDD+ programme whilst building the capacities of a local working group of stakeholders on how to implement this roadmap. The development of the roadmap included the assessment of (i) capacities and needs, (ii) data availability, (iii) the analysis of the cause for deforestation and degradation and (iv) formulation of REDD+ strategy with prioritisation of activities and projects. In addition, two workshops were organised at the start and the end of the missions on specific REDD+ aspects, such as examples of Readiness Plan Proposals of other countries, current forest management in Côte d’Ivoire, reference scenarios for emissions, and remote sensing.
Client: EuropeAid
Location: Côte d’Ivoire
Period: 08-12/2012