
DOSTRADE: Study and drafting of an integrated vision for sustainable development of the transboundary upper Scheldt river basin

The vision and development strategy for the transboundary upper Scheldt river basin is based on an integrated approach covering ecology, agriculture, industry, river transport, tourism, cultural life, urban development and general quality of life. For each topic an in-depth situation analysis was made. The project area concerned three regions in two different countries resulting in …

Protection of forests and livelihoods improvement in the Alaotra Mangoro Region, Madagascar

The purpose of this assignment was to conduct a feasibility study on a pilot project for improving livelihoods while promoting sustainable natural resources management around the protected forest areas of Alaotra Mangoro region, in support to the national NGO Ecodev who had identified the project. Capacity building assistance (on-the-job learning) was provided to Ecodev to …

Mapping, inventories and ecological management of railway embankments in Brussels

Based on extensive vegetation inventories and mapping, adequate management plans were developed. In a first step railway banks with potential ecological value were identified through interpretation of aerial photographs and GIS mapping. The outcome was validated and refined by field inventories, resulting in a detailed identification of the areas of ecological interest. Management plans were …

Mid-Term Evaluation of the Project ‘Support to Pastoral Management and to the Securing of Pastoral Systems in Niger’

The objective of the assignment was to lead the mid-term evaluation of a project aiming at the definition and implementation of a strategy and priority actions for pastoral planning and the security of pastoral systems in the regions of Dosso, Tahoua and Maradi, in order to contribute to the reduction of rural poverty and ecosystem …