The Horn of Africa has been noted to be one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change, in particular its mainly natural resources-based economy, and faces serious water shortages, food scarcity, increased risks of livelihood systems, and vulnerability to a number of climate change-induced disasters and diseases. The overall objective of this assignment was …
CC Mainstreaming and policies
Final Evaluation of the Programme “Capacity-Building Related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA) in ACP Countries Phase I”
The purpose of the programme was to enhance the capacity of the ACP countries to participate in the work of and fulfil their obligations under Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and related commitments, and thereby improve their management of the environment and natural resources. The programme therefore addressed the adverse effects of climate change, loss of …
Workshop in Mainstreaming Climate Change into National Planning and Budgetary Process in Saint Lucia
This mission was implemented under the global contract “Intra-ACP AMCC – Climate Support Facility”. A training was organized for officials from the different ministries that are involved in the sectors affected by climate change in order to reinforce their capacity to integrate climate change into their policies, strategies, action plans and budgets. Client: ACP Secretariat …
Preparation of a training package on climate change mainstreaming and training of trainers in Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger
This mission was implemented under the global contract “GCCA Climate Support Facility”. Within the Intra-ACP GCCA Programme, in addition of the CSF, 5 regional programmes are implemented by decentralised institutions. One of them covers the West African region and is implemented by the CILSS (Comité permanent Inter-états de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel). …