Large-scale and long-lasting impacts can only be reached if climate change issues are taken into account in local, national and regional planning and policies, not only by institutions and authorities directly in charge of environment or climate-related issues, but by all actors involved in a country or region’s development. Our team has extended experience in supporting authorities in the development of plans and policies conducting to climate change alleviation and in mainstreaming climate change awareness and solutions into all domains of development cooperation.
Our expertise:
- Trainings and Training of Trainers and development of MSc Teaching Modules in Mainstreaming Climate Change into national planning and budgeting processes;
- Support to preparation to UNFCCC related documents and meetings (National Communications, INDCs, Position papers, …);
- Development of Institutional and Legal Frameworks on climate change Mitigation and Adaptation;
- Development of National and Regional Development Strategies integrating Climate Change;
- Evaluation of climate change-related policy programmes.