Together with our Green spaces, landscapes & biodiversity and Rural development & food security thematic groups, we regularly work on the development of mitigation and adaptation measures and strategies adapted to natural resources and ecosystems as well as on climate smart agriculture and early warning systems.
Our expertise:
- Carbon accounting in natural ecosystems;
- Sustainable management of natural resources;
- Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction;
- Early Warning Systems;
- Vulnerability Assessments;
- Climate Smart Agriculture;
- Integrated Coastal Zone Management;
- Fight against desertification;
- Involvement of private sector in Climate Resilience;
- Formulation of Land Use Policy and Planning for Reducing Climate Vulnerability;
- Identification and Formulation of integrated Biodiversity-Climate Change programmes;
- Sector, National and Regional Adaptation Strategies and Action Plans;
- Climate Modelling, Regional Downscaling and geographical information systems;
- Development of MSc Teaching Modules on Climate Smart Agriculture, Climate Modelling, Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation.