Rural Development in Nepal – Awarded contract

Prospect C&S was awarded a new mission in Nepal for the European Union FWC BEN Lot 1: Final Evaluation of Support to Institutionalizing the Nepal Food Security Monitoring and Analysis System (NeKSAP) The Nepal Food Security Monitoring System (NeKSAP), was established in 2009 with the aim of collecting and analyzing food security information enabling timely …

Niger – Animation d’un atelier de restitution des résultats de l’évaluation des opérations d’aide alimentaire 2016

Trois experts de PROSPECT ont effectué l’évaluation de la qualité des opérations de distributions gratuites ciblées (DGC) de céréales et de vente à prix modéré d’aliments pour bétail, mises en œuvre par le Dispositif national de prévention et gestion des catastrophes et crises alimentaires du Niger.  Ces distributions réalisées en 2016  ont bénéficié à environ …

Environment – Awarded contract

Prospect C&S has been awarded a new contract in the Africa Caribbean and Pacific region funded by the European Commission to carry out the midterm evaluation of the program “Capacity-building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA) in ACP countries phase II”. The main objectives of the evaluation are to provide relevant stakeholders with an overall …

Niger – Démarrage d’une mission d’évaluation pour l’UE et le Gouvernement du Niger

Trois experts et une équipe d’enquêteurs sont mobilisés pour cette étude qui permettra d’évaluer la qualité des  opérations de distribution gratuite ciblée (DGC) de céréales et de vente à prix modéré d’aliments pour bétail. Ces distributions réalisées en 2016  ont été ciblées sur environ un demi-million de bénéficiaires répartis dans la majorité des régions du …

Environment – Awarded contract

Prospect C&S, jointly with Acciona ingenieria and Suez Consulting, has been awarded a new contract in Nigeria funded by the European Commission to carry out a “feasibility study of the waste to energy (WtE) project of the Ogun state government”. The overall objective of this study is to demonstrate the sustainability of a municipal off-grid …

Rural development – Awarded contract

Prospect C&S has been awarded a new contract in Cameroon funded by the European Commission for the: “second phase of the technical assistance to ASSOBACAM (Banana Association of Cameroon) and its members benefiting from the Banana Accompanying Measures Programme (MAB)”. The objective of this technical assistance is to contribute to the improvement of the competitiveness …

Environmental governance – Awarded contract

Prospect C&S has recently been selected for a framework contract to provide support for the implementation of environmental governance instruments and policies for the Environment Directorate-General of the European Commission (DG ENV). The Environmental management, policy and financing department has been actively collaborating with COWI, leader of the consortium, for the preparation of the offer.This …

Workshop in Mainstreaming Climate Change into National Planning and Budgetary Process in Saint Lucia

This mission was implemented under the global contract “Intra-ACP AMCC – Climate Support Facility”. A training was organized for officials from the different ministries that are involved in the sectors affected by climate change in order to reinforce their capacity to integrate climate change into their policies, strategies, action plans and budgets. Client: ACP Secretariat …

Diffusion of solar energy in rural areas in Mali

This mission was implemented under the global contract “GCCA Climate Support Facility”. The AOPP (Association des Organisations Professionnelles Paysannes) in Mali is implementing a national programme to promote use of Solar Energy in rural areas in association with a Belgian NGO (SOS Faim) and a micro-credit institution (Kafo Jiginews). They therefore requested assistance from the CSF to: …

Preparation of a training package on climate change mainstreaming and training of trainers in Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger

This mission was implemented under the global contract “GCCA Climate Support Facility”. Within the Intra-ACP GCCA Programme, in addition of the CSF, 5 regional programmes are implemented by decentralised institutions. One of them covers the West African region and is implemented by the CILSS (Comité permanent Inter-états de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel). …