Reference: SIEA – 2018 – 15986, within the FWC SIEA 2018 LOT 1: Sustainable management of natural resources and resilience
Country: Azerbaijan
Budget: € 38,450.00
Duration: 10 months
Azerbaijan has made significant progress over the last years towards its green transformation. Since 2019, the EU-funded EU4Environment Programme has been working in Azerbaijan. In 2021 it recognised the European Green Deal as a benchmark for national policy design. Many different policy and training initiatives have already been implemented and several others are in the pipeline. Azerbaijan shows its political will to transform in all levels. A flagship initiative, the pilot strategic environmental assessment (SEA) was initiated in July 2022 for the draft master plan of the Ganja city.
In this context, a new “Center for Sustainable Smart Cities and Regions (CSSCR)” was established in October 2021, and is foreseen to act as a catalyst for the green transformation of Azerbaijan, multiplying the acceptability and impact of relevant national policies and stakeholders’ initiatives towards a green economy.
The objective of the awarded contract is to strengthen the operational capacity of the Center for Sustainable Smart Cities and Regions. The Center should facilitate networking Azerbaijan with international stakeholders, promote partnerships among various stakeholders (e.g., public, private, NGOs, research, financing institutions, SMEs, large industries, etc.) on common research, pilot and industry-scale initiatives and projects to foster innovation as well as on regulatory issues.
It should also help local SMEs to find properly trained personnel able to design and implement strategies and plans to expand their markets being eco-efficient, circular and climate neutral/positive, assist national policy decisions-makers to employ scientific tools for better regulatory work and help cities and regions to significantly improve the quality of lives of inhabitants and visitors.
The Center should raise awareness to switch the paradigm and assist various stakeholders to embrace relevant policies and innovative initiatives.
From carefully assessed needs, Prospect C&S will seek to enhance the operational capacity of the Center through training material, capacity building, the development of short-term and long-term plans, communication strategy and website structure/content.