EU-China Young Farmers Programme

The European Delegation to China has awarded Prospect C&S an 18-month service contract to support EU China cooperation in agriculture and rural development. The objective is to promote effective dissemination of best agricultural and environmental practices and capacity building in modern farming techniques among young farmers and young professionals in the agro-food sector of both sides, China and Europe.

The action will aim at producing recommendations to practitioners and policy makers in the agricultural field, in particular on sustainable farming practices, and thus contribute to a long-term uptake of these techniques and practices.

3 international experts will be involved in this mission which will be organized in close collaboration with several institutional partners DG-AGRI (UE), Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA), EU Delegation in Beijing.

The objective will be achieved via workshops, trainings and four study tours: two in at least two European countries and two in China. The participants will be a handful of young farmers or agro-food sector professionals from each side visiting the other side.


Let’s join the EU-China project on capacity building for Young Farmers. Follow the link to apply for the study tours in China.

Call for Applicants – Study tours in China for EU Young Farmers