This mission was implemented under the global contract “GCCA Climate Support Facility”.
The African Collaborative Centre for Earth Systems Sciences (ACCESS) is a regional body of African Scientists based at the University of Nairobi. Amongst other activities, ACCESS is fostering global change research on a regional scale, including the impacts of climate change on water resources, food security, ecosystem, health and sustainable development in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Lake Victoria is the largest freshwater lake in Africa and also the second largest lake of the world. The basin supports one of the densest and poorest rural populations in the world. Its watershed is home to over 40 million people. This is due to its favourable conditions for agriculture, fishing and other economic activities. There is however some evidence of increasing climatic variability, resulting into increasing frequency and intensity of drought and flooding in the region.
In the framework of the USAID funded Programme “Implementing a Resilience Framework to support Climate Change Adaptation in the Mt Elgon Region of the Lake Victoria Basin”, ACCESS looked for to enhance their implementing capacity as well as to strengthen their general ability in addressing climate change adaptation and natural disaster (CC induced) risk reduction. They therefore applied for technical support from the Intra-ACP GCCA programme, requesting expert advice in the design of a M&E system for pilot areas in this programme and for support in downscaling climate change models.
Client: ACP Secretariat
Location: Kenya
Period: 02-06/2013