Prospect C&S has been contracted, under the EU Framework Contract Beneficiaries Lot 6, in order to carry out a formulation mission to prepare a design for the Climate Change Trust Fund (CCTF) Phase II in Maldives.
The CCTF is a multi-donor recipient owned program. The purpose of the CCTF is to support the development and implementation of the climate change strategy for Maldives to build a climate resilient economy and society through adaptation and mitigation activities.
There were three main components to the CCTF phase 1: Clean Energy Conservation Management, Wetland Conservation and Coral Reef Monitoring, Ari Atoll Solid Waste Management.
The overall objective of this consultancy was to enable EU to support the formulation of improved governance focus on environmental challenges and climate change resilience to help the Government of Maldives implement its National Development Plan and from this, to reduce the regional disparities, in line with the multiannual indicative programme (2011 to 2013).
Client: EU Delegation to Sri Lanka
Location: Maldives
Period: 02-05/2013