This mission was implemented under the global contract “GCCA Climate Support Facility”.
With its 550 km, Ivory Coast is one of the West African country with the longest coast. The area is characterised by a rich and unique biodiversity but suffers from an intense pressure generated by human activities such as agro-industry, urbanisation, fishing, tourism, etc. Lately, the effects of global climate change have exacerbated the already existing effects of human pressure on the natural capital. In particular coastal erosion caused by a steadily rising sea level has become a real threat for existing infrastructure and economic activities.
Against this background, the country has revised its main policies and strategies for poverty reduction, development and economic revival. Unanimously, these documents put an emphasis on better coastal management, related to sea level rises and coastal erosion (National Development Plan 2012-2015).
To assist the country with the development of a sound programme for adaptation to the negative effects of climate change in the coastal area of Ivory Coast, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development has requested assistance from an international expert in coastal management and climate change through the GCCA Climate Support Facility.
Client: ACP Secretariat
Location: Ivory Coast
Period: 07/2012-03/2013