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Support to the streamlining of climate proofing requirements for the ERDF Programmes of Andalucía, Catalunya, Galicia, Valencia, and Pluri-regional - JASPERS

Country Spain
Sectors Not specified
Language English, Spanish
Status Framework
CV Deadline 2025-01-27 (Closed Project)

JASPERS (Joint Assistance in Supporting Projects in European Regions) is a partnership between the European Commission (the “EC”) and the EIB.

JASPERS assists in the quality and timely delivery of projects in the Cohesion Policy, Connecting Europe Facility, the Just Transition, Pre-Accession Assistance Instrument (“IPA”) and the EU’s Neighbourhood policy by providing targeted advisory support to its counterparts during the whole life cycle of projects.

In Spain, the Law on Climate Change and Energy Transition came into force in 2021 and establishes the objectives to achieve full decarbonization of the economy before 2050 but also addresses climate adaptation objectives and establishes that the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC) is the main planning instrument to promote coordinated and coherent action.

JASPERS is already active in Spain with several assignments on the climate change topic. Currently, JASPERS is supporting the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility on the development of its National Roads Climate Adaptation Plan, in line with the key actions defined in the National Adaptation Plan of Spain and the Safe, Sustainable and Connected Mobility Strategy. Also is supporting the Junta de Andalucía on the development of a methodology for the inclusion of vulnerability assessments in transport plans from the operational perspective and on the methodology for the estimation of GHG emissions. Finally, JASPERS supports ADIF on adaptation to climate change including identifying actions and procedures addressing resilience and adaptation to climate change and proposing next steps and recommendations addressing the improvement opportunities and potential gaps identified.

With the aim of implementing the climate change requirements for the 2021-2027 programming period and harmonizing the approach for project preparation and appraisal across all Spanish ERDF Programmes at national and regional level, the EU Funds Department required JASPERS support for the development of a national climate proofing guidance for investments to be financed by EU Funds in 2021-27 in Spain. This guide is already completed and it is based on the EC Technical guidance on the climate proofing, complemented with references to available national data and relevant guidelines, practices, legislation and case studies. The Spanish climate proofing guide will be at the disposal of the service provider.


The purpose of this consultancy assignment is to assist JASPERS on the implementation and streamlining of the climate proofing requirements for infrastructure investments to be financed by EU Funds in 2021-2027 in Spain. More specifically covering the National Programme (Programa Pluriregional de España – POPE) and four (4) regional programmes (Andalucía, Catalunya, Galicia, and Comunitat Valenciana) that have been selected.

While the consultancy assignment will cover both mitigation and adaptation pillars, the focus will be on the adaptation pillar, which is the most challenging as it applies to all infrastructure investments regardless of the investment budget.

The specific objectives of the assignment can be summarized as:

  1. Support the Spanish Authorities in complying with the climate proofing requirements.

  2. Streamline the processes and procedures to alleviate the administrative burden, while ensuring that the main logic and assessment principles are followed, thus complying with the main objectives of the regulation and of climate proofing and contributing to them.

  3. Knowledge transfer to final beneficiaries (including private sector beneficiaries), intermediate bodies, the managing authority, and other stakeholders (consultancy companies, NGO´s, etc.) as requested by the Spanish Authorities.

  4. Promotion of climate change adaptation and identification of sector-specific measures to be considered/implemented in the conception/implementation/operation of main types of infrastructure investments.


Task 1: Collection of reference documents and screening of operations under the Programme(s) covered under the assignment(s).

Task 2: Definition of types of infrastructure investments and clustering

Task 3: High-level climate change vulnerability and risk assessment

Task 4: Adaptation measures

Task 5: Practical guidance to other ERDF Programmes

Task 6: Knowledge sharing and training

Task 7: Preparation of Final report and communication materials

Terms of Reference Download

Project Position 1

Position Key Expert I: Team Leader (Category I >15 years of experience)

At least bachelor degree in climate change, engineering, natural science or equivalent. Post-graduate studies in climate change or a relevant subject will be considered an advantage.

Required Experience

General professional experience:

At least 15 years’ experience in the field of climate change, environment, or engineering (Minimum requirement)

Specific professional experience:

At least 7 years’ experience on climate change adaptation (Minimum requirement).

The expert must have participated in the development of climate change vulnerability and risk assessments for at least 5 projects (or plans, strategies) within the past 5 years. (Minimum requirement)

The expert must have participated in the development of climate change vulnerability and risk assessments in 3 of the following sectors within the past 5 years: 1. Buildings; 2. Transport; 3. Water/wastewater; 4. Waste and circular economy; 5 Flood protection; 6. Urban regeneration and urban development; 7. Energy; 8. Bioeconomy. (Minimum requirement)

The expert must have work in Spain for at least 3 years in the fields of environment, engineering or climate change (Minimum requirement).

The expert must have at least 1 reference related to experience in dissemination activities/capacity building (Minimum requirement)

Estimated Manpower To be determined
Mission Begin March 2025
Mission End January 2026

Language and other Skills:

Working command of Spanish and English languages (CEFR C1) (Minimum requirement)

Contact Pierre Van der Vaeren

Project Position 2

Position Key Expert II: Climate adaptation expert (Category III > 5 years of experience)

At least bachelor degree in climate change, engineering, natural science or equivalent.

Required Experience

General professional experience:

At least 5 years’ experience considering the following sectors: climate change, environment or engineering. (Minimum requirement).

Specific professional experience:

At least 2 years’ experience on climate change adaptation (Minimum requirement)

The expert must have participated in the development of climate change vulnerability and risk assessments for at least 2 projects (or plans, strategies) within the past 5 years. (Minimum requirement)

The expert must have work in Spain for at least 1 years in the fields of environment, engineering or climate change (Minimum requirement)

Estimated Manpower To be determined
Mission Begin March 2025
Mission End January 2026

Language and other Skills:

Working command of Spanish and English languages (CEFR C1) (Minimum requirement)

Contact Pierre Van der Vaeren

Project Position 3

Position Non-key experts

The non-key experts will include primarily engineers, architects and environmental experts, covering the following sectors:

  • Broadband and telecommunications

  • Construction and architecture: health, education, housing

  • Energy efficiency

  • Renewable energy

  • Green infrastructure

  • Research

  • Transport

  • Water and wastewater

  • Flood protection

  • Solid waste and circular economy

  • Urban regeneration and urban development

  • And other sectors of interest covered by the ERDF Programmes.

Estimated Manpower To be determined
Mission Begin March 2025
Mission End January 2026
Contact Pierre Van der Vaeren