Prospect Expert Platform

This Project is now closed

Support for Upstream Engagement and Pipeline Development on Climate Change Adaptation - EIB Advisory Services

Country EU
Sectors Not specified
Status Framework
CV Deadline 2024-03-14 (Closed Project)

The overall objective of this assignment is to support the EIB in proactively building a robust pipeline of adaptation projects in different sectors across selected EU countries. The aim is to identify at least 15 (and up to 25) concrete adaptation project proposals suitable for EIB financial and advisory support. This shall be achieved by an iterative market assessment process, identifying and filtering project ideas or related advisory assignments in close coordination with EIB.

  1. Refining the operational approaches and tools for the strategic identification and origination of adaptation operations to be financed by the Bank including, if relevant, different types of engagement modalities with existing and/or potential new counterpart.

  2. Performing a desk review of publicly available climate change adaptation plans and policies of other MDBs (such as ADB, AfDB, EBRD, IDB, World Bank, etc.) or other Development Finance Institutions22 identifying their origination strategies and developing a proposal (including operational approaches and tools) for how these could be adapted to the EIB business model to originate climate adaptation projects and to engage with potential clients.

  3. Identification of at least 15 (and up to 25) adaptation investment projects and related advisory assignments.

  4. Discussing the findings of the documentation desk reviews with key services including as relevant sectoral experts, advisory services and front-line geographical and thematic teams under the guidance of the Operations Advisory and Climate Office teams.

  5. Coordinating the identification of the borrowers and promoters together with project's scope of up to 15 (with a minimum of 10) adaptation financing operations with relevant services in the Bank, including advisory assignments when needed. Ideally the projects or related advisory assignments identified should be geographically diversified.

  6. Developing an origination/engagement strategy, including practical guidance and off-the-shelf marketing material to support loan officers in the origination of adaptation projects, tailored to the specific sectors and different types of counterparts.


Language and other Skills: Excellent knowledge English (minimum requirement). Knowledge of another European language will constitute an asset.

Terms of Reference Download

Project Position 1

Position Key Expert II: Climate Adaptation Expert (Category II)

At least a Bachelor’s Degree (or an academic equivalent) in in civil engineering, natural sciences, economics, finance, business administration, political science or an equivalent field (minimum requirement).

Required Experience

General professional experience: 10 years’ experience in climate adaptation and resilience advisory (minimum requirement).

Specific professional experience: 5 years’ experience in advising local, regional or national governments in Europe in the development and/or evaluation of climate adaptation strategies or climate adaptation investment projects/programmes.

Experience in the preparation of market studies, surveys, research, or data analyses related to climate action and environmental sustainability, as demonstrated in at least 1 reference project in the CV.

Technical expertise in project preparation or project implementation in at least 2 of the following sectors/themes: water management, transport and mobility, energy infrastructure, urban and regional development, health and education, Innovation and Disaster Risk Management, as demonstrated in at least 2 reference projects in the CV.

Experience in supporting indicatively 2 private companies (corporates) or public utility companies in adapting to the physical risks of climate change will constitute an asset.

Estimated Manpower 75
Mission Begin April-May 2024

Language and other Skills: Excellent knowledge English (minimum requirement). Knowledge of another European language will constitute an asset.

Contact Pierre Van der Vaeren

Project Position 2

Position Kex Expert 3: Finance Expert (Category II > 6 years of experience)

Qualifications: At least a Bachelor’s Degree (or an academic equivalent) in in economics, finance, business administration, or an equivalent field (minimum requirement).

Required Experience

General professional experience: 10 years experience in banking, corporate finance, investment management or financial advisory (minimum requirement).

Specific professional experience: 5 years’ experience in financial/economic analysis of investment projects.

Experience in consultancy projects related to financial/economic aspects of climate action or environmental sustainability, as demonstrated in at least 2 reference projects in the CV.

Experience in conducting indicatively 2 consultancy or research projects on climate adaptation (for example climate risk assessments, resilience strategies) will constitute an asset.

Indicatively 2 years work experience or experience in advising Financial Institutions, in particular International Financial Institutions (IFIs), in climate strategies and operational tools will constitute an asset.

Estimated Manpower 50
Mission Begin April-May 2024

Language and other Skills: Excellent knowledge English (minimum requirement). Knowledge of another European language will constitute an asset.

Contact Pierre Van der Vaeren