Prospect Expert Platform

This Project is now closed

LIFE Programme

Country Benelux
Sectors Not specified
Status In demand
CV Deadline 2023-11-30 (Closed Project)

Created in 1994, Prospect C&S is an independent consultancy specialized in environment, climate action, rural development, and food security.

Over the years, Prospect C&S team has gained extensive experience in implementing specific studies or managing contracts for various national and international clients. Prospect C&S has a strong track record in monitoring EC LIFE-funded projects in the BENELUX and in South East Europe covering all strands of this EU Programme: Climate Action, Nature and Biodiversity, Circular Economy & Quality of Life (CEQL/Environment).

Prospect C&S also hosts in its offices the Coordination Team of the LIFE External Monitoring Team.

Prospect C&S is looking for a full/part time technical expert (freelancer) to monitor LIFE projects under the Nature & Biodiversity and CEQL/ Environment strands to reinforce the LIFE Benelux team. The technical expert should be available to start working as soon as possible after the selection process is concluded (estimated starting month: January 2024).

Project Position

Position Technical Monitoring Expert (m/f)

A. Monitoring ongoing LIFE projects (Nature & Biodiversity and/or CEQL and/or Climate strands) in the Benelux. The position includes the following tasks, but is not limited to:

  • Assessing of technical progress through reports submitted by beneficiaries, annual field visits (project missions);
  • Verifying that the management of the project is in line with the Terms and Conditions/General Conditions/Common Provisions of the grant agreement;
  • Reporting on findings and providing recommendations to the LIFE Units (DG ENV & CINEA);
  • Assisting the beneficiaries through the Monitoring Helpdesk where needed (e.g. guidance on the interpretation of LIFE rules);
  • Dealing with tasks other than monitoring foreseen under the LIFE Framework contract: participation to thematic platform meetings, undertaking ex-post missions to LIFE projects, presenting the LIFE programme at the occasion of an InfoDay or other events, contributing to thematic brochures, etc.;
  • Attending annual meetings.

B. PROSPECT C&S is responding to calls for tenders for European and International funding instruments (not related to the LIFE programme) and implements relevant projects. The applicant will support in the preparation of future proposals (tenders) and might be involved in the implementation of current and future projects. Indicative tasks include:

  • Identification of calls for proposals in relevant topics (indicatively nature, biodiversity, air, circular economy etc.)
  • Preparation of technical parts of each request.
  • Involvement in project implementation and project management.
  • Level of education which corresponds to a minimum Master’s degree in the field of environment or nature conservation or equivalent.
  • Fluent in French and/or Dutch (native speaker or equivalent) and an excellent command of English (written and spoken).
  • Excellent writing and communication/presentation skills in French or Dutch and English.
  • Minimum 3 years of relevant working experience in nature and/or environment/climate related fields. Knowledge of European and national environmental policy and regulations.
  • Experience in project management/monitoring in the fields of nature conservation and/or environment.
  • Ability to understand complex environmental issues and communicate them effectively to a variety of stakeholders.
  • Attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team by creating a pleasant working environment.
  • Ability to prepare and coordinate physical and online meetings.

Failure to meet the first four selection criteria will result in exclusion from the selection process.

Mission Begin ASAP

Professional status: Prospect Consulting & Services is currently looking for freelancers.


As a freelancer you will mainly perform the work from home. PROSPECT office work is encouraged at certain occasions (e.g. internal training, team meetings). Additionally, a small number of project visits within the Benelux is envisaged. Up to 2 trips per year in Brussels might be required. Travel costs are covered by PROSPECT C&S based on internal travel regulation.

Selection procedure

To apply, please submit your CV (Europass format) and (1 page max.) motivation letter in English by 30/11/2023 17:00 (Brussels time) to the following email addresses: Please note that only pre-selected candidates will be contacted.

Contact Gabrielle Le Ménahèze