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Final Evaluations: Food Security in Transitioning Environment (FORESITE) in Former Warrap, Lakes, and WBG states. II. Strengthening Small Holders’ Resilience in Greater Upper Nile States.

Country South Sudan
Sectors Rural development and food security

Final evaluation of two EU financed projects on food security in South Soudan :

  1. Food Security in Transitioning Environment (FORESITE) in Former Warrap, Lakes, and WBG states

  2. Strengthening Small Holders’ Resilience in Greater Upper Nile States

Language English
Status Framework
CV Deadline 2023-09-21 (Closed Project)

Due to a combination of factors, including climate change and drought, flooding and insecurity, the country continues to face a huge cereal deficit and increasingly relies on food imports from neighbouring Kenya, Uganda and Sudan and/or on humanitarian assistance. As of March 2022, an estimated 6.6 million people (54% of the population) were facing high acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or above), of which 2.2 million people faced Emergency conditions.

The EU's support and investments in the sector closely align with the Government of South Sudan priorities and strategic objectives. For instance, the Revised National Development Strategy for South Sudan – 2021- 2024, with the overarching theme: Consolidate Peace, Stabilize the Economy, articulates national aspirations to transition from dependence on humanitarian aid to a development path, using the humanitarian, development and peace nexus approach.


The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide the relevant services of the European Union, the interested stakeholders with:

  • An overall independent assessment of the performance of the “ Food Security in Transitioning Environment (FORSITE) in former Warrap, Lakes, and WBG states” and, “Strengthening Small holders’ Resilience in Greater Upper Niles States” projects, paying particular attention to its different levels of results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results

  • Key lessons learned conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future interventions

Terms of Reference Download

Project Position 1

Position Team Leader - Cat. I (> 12 years of experience)

Masters in Monitoring and Evaluation, Statistics, Agricultural Economics, International Development and its equivalent.

Language skills of the team: English C2-Level

Required Experience

General experience: Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation in various Professional disciplines.

Specific professional experience of the team:

  • Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation of EU funded Agriculture & Livelihoods contracts/projects that addresses agriculture, food security and rural development

  • Experience in conducting evaluations in fragile context in Africa, Eastern and Horn of Africa, previous experience in South Sudan is preferred

Estimated Manpower 45
Mission Begin 01/02/2024
Mission End 01/07/2024
Contact Pierre Van der Vaeren

Project Position 2

Position Evaluation expert Cat II ( >6 years of experience)

Masters in Monitoring and Evaluation, Statistics, Agricultural Economics, International Development and its equivalent.

Language skills of the team: English C2-Level

Required Experience

General professional experience of the team: Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation in various Professional disciplines.

Specific professional experience of the team:

  • Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation of EU funded Agriculture & Livelihoods contracts/projects that addresses agriculture, food security and rural development.

  • Experience in conducting evaluations in fragile context in Africa, Eastern and Horn of Africa, previous experience in South Sudan is preferred

Estimated Manpower 45
Mission Begin 01/02/2024
Mission End 01/07/2024
Contact Pierre Van der Vaeren