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Delivering Climate-Resilient Solid Waste Management Services in Greater Monrovia, Liberia through Community-Based Enterprises: Evaluation

Country Liberia
Sectors Environment, Intelligent Energy, Governance

Ex-post evaluation of the project: Delivering Climate Resilient Solid Waste Management Services in Greater Monrovia, Liberia, through Community Based Enterprises (Sustainable Waste Management- SWM) .

Evaluation of design, impact and sustainability, assessment of stakeholders’ involvement and appraisal of its effectiveness in comparison to Liberia Reconstruction Trust Fund (CBE waste component) programme.

Language English
Status Framework
CV Deadline 2023-09-21 (Closed Project)

In September 2015, Liberia submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), including one component on mitigation and one on adaptation, to the secretariat of the UN Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC).

Liberia’s revised NDC commit to reducing economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 64% below the projected business-as-usual level by 2030.

This commitment is constructed from GHG mitigation targets across nine key sectors – Agriculture, Forests, Coastal zones, Fisheries, Health, Transport, Industry, Energy, and Waste – as well as cross-cutting targets for urban green corridors. The NDC also includes climate change adaptation targets for eight sectors – Agriculture, Forests, Coastal zones, Fisheries, Health, Transport, Energy, and Waste – as well as crosscutting targets for urban green corridors.

The waste sector is the third biggest contributor of the greenhouse gas emissions in Liberia.

The EU, together with the Government of Liberia and the WB developed three interventions in the waste sector in support of waste management in Greater Monrovia. Implemented by UNOPS/Cities Alliance, a three year project on Implementing Waste-To-Energy Innovative Approaches in Greater Monrovia piloted small scale waste-to-energy alternatives in Monrovia and Paynesville, while the goal of the four-year project entitled Delivering Climate-Resilient Solid Waste Management Services in Greater Monrovia, Liberia through Community-Based Enterprises.


The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide the relevant services of the European Union and the interested stakeholders with:

  • An overall independent assessment of the performance of the “Delivering Climate-Resilient Solid Waste Management Services in Greater Monrovia, Liberia through Community-Based Enterprises” project, paying particular attention to its different levels of results measured against its expected objectives; and the reasons underpinning such results

  • Key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current interventions (i.e. ongoing ex-post activities). In particular, this evaluation will serve to assess the effectiveness of the financial support delivered into the solid waste management system in Monrovia, Paynesville and surrounding townships.


Ex-post evaluation:


An appreciation of the ongoing Project for Cheesemanburg Landfill And Urban Sanitation (CLUS) component of the Liberia under the Support to the Liberia Reconstruction Trust Fund (LRTF) programme will be necessary so as to be able to do the comparative analysis. World Bank Group -> from onset up to end August 2023

Terms of Reference Download

Project Position

Position Team Leader (Cat I > 12 years of experience) & Evaluators

Team Leader: professional evaluation skills as well as team management skills

All team members: good communication skills, clear writing skills, empathy with and understanding of local culture and local reality (in a developing country setting).

Language skills of the team: English language equivalent of C2- level expertise, which means confident and proficient in the use of language in a professional setting, in understanding, written and oral expressions.

Required Experience

Team leader expected to be senior with team leader experience. (S)He is expected to have expertise related to the sector covered by this assignment as well as proven successful assignments in conducting thorough evaluation assignments with clear factual findings, conclusions and recommendations.

General professional experience of the team: The evaluation team must have a cumulative experience of at least 5 years in the area of evaluation (of which at least a minimum of 3 successfully completed intervention-level or strategic evaluations), mostly in but not limited to the field of development cooperation, with solid experience in rigorous evaluation methods and techniques.

The evaluation team must have at least 3 years’ experience in conducting impact or results-based performance evaluations.

Having successfully completed a minimum of 2 evaluations in the sector subject of these ToRs is a strong asset.

Having one team member with experience of the Liberian context will be an asset. The European Union pursues an equal opportunities policy. Gender balance in the proposed team, at all levels, is highly recommended.

Specific professional experience of the team:

• At least one of the experts must have a minimum of 2 successfully completed intervention-level or strategic evaluations, with a focus on assessing the impact of the intervention; this includes the capacity to adapt and use quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis

• Significant cumulative experience of 2 years in conducting impact evaluations, research or development efforts with informal communities and the informal economy, as well as with local and national governments

• Cumulative experience of at least 2 years in the field of research and evaluation with proven track record of delivering impact, evidence based and statistically sound evaluations of complex development programmes is considered an asset

• At least 2 years experience in analysing and handling large quantities of data

Minimum sector related requirements :

• At least one expert to have thorough knowledge of the waste management sector and its governance, with particular focus on waste management in a city setting

• In-depth knowledge of Community Based Enterprise involvement in waste management (collection and recycling) should be part of the team composition

• Expertise in sustainable financing of decentralised waste collection mechanisms through Community Based Enterprises, in a city context must be part of expertise in the team. Preferred additional sector related requirements

• Knowledge and experience with PPP style arrangements is considered an asset

• Knowledge and experience in the team of carbon emissions related to waste management is considered an asset

• Legal expertise in the team with experience in waste management governance, notably at City level, will be an asset

Estimated Manpower 60
Mission Begin 31/10/2023
Mission End 27/02/2024
Contact Pierre Van der Vaeren